Evans Elementary School has been named an Honor Roll School by the Educational Results Partnership for the 2023-24 school year

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Principal's Message

Adam Bernstein, Principal
Our School
Greetings Evans scholars and families!
As we dive into a new school year, we are proud of our strong and active PTA. The parents in our PTA are engaged in helping our school community. The PTA hosts fundraisers so that each of our 505 scholars can participate in an educational field trip. Through this, we encourage inclusiveness and enriching educational experiences. In addition, PTA members also raise money to purchase technology for the implementation of digital literacy. Parents organize Movie Night and Science Night as a way to increase parental involvement in our school community. Parents take on the special role as hosts for our cultural assemblies as we establish a sense of belonging on campus. They also work hard in rewarding student excellency with incentives such as awards and books! Rewards for satisfying the character monthly development achievement include a book or coupon for shopping at the student store. We are thankful to have our student store run by parents, and they do an amazing job in there! Additionally, they promote school spirit with our Evans t-shirts! This school year, our PTA will sponsor a project called "Art Reach," where student artwork will be turned into cards or magnets to promote the utilization of art rather than framing it. It will also acknowledge artists and create a community for these talented individuals.
Evans holds many after school programs that promote productivity and critical thinking for our students. Our Boys & Girls Club provides after school homework support and athletic activities. We have after school intervention for primary students, where they receive homework and classwork help in the subject area required. We have also created the Scholars Academy program for fifth and sixth graders. Students in this program study social studies and science standards, later to compete with their peers. It is a challenging, yet fun program to enhance student global awareness.
This year we are happy to implement the sciences into our learning environment through our Robotics and STEM enrichment programs! The purpose of these programs is to promote critical thinking and college readiness skills for students.
We are excited to launch many fun activities throughout this school year, including spirit assemblies and flag ceremonies to celebrate student accomplishments. We invite all students and families to join us for events such as Read Across America, the 100th Day of School, and our Evans Family Barbecue! Additionally, we will have our Winter and Spring concerts, where choir and instrumental will perform musical numbers they have worked hard on. Our upcoming event of the school year will be the conversion of our computer lab into a Learning Center. It will used as a media center that hosts parent meetings, student reading and enrichment, and professional development.
We are committed to providing consistent communication with our families. Our Instagram and Facebook pages are a great way for families to stay connected to the great things happening at Evans. Healthy and civil communications between students and staff is guaranteed to create a safe school environment, and we hope to achieve that for our Evans scholars.
Please feel free to stop by the office for any questions, comments or concerns. We look forward to a great school year.